The RENERGY project fits into the context of the EU Energy 2020 strategy setting out objectives and lines of action to address urgent global energy and environmental concerns as well as the negative consequences of the economic crisis.  
In particular RENERGY aims at contributing to economic growth through the development of a Green Economy at the local level that will encourage job creation contributing to the modernization and increased competitiveness at a European scale. 
The overall objective is to develop more efficient energy policies at local/regional level in an inclusive, integrative approach, transforming urban communities from consumers to producers of energy, with particular reference to the objectives of the Covenant of Mayors. 
The project builds on three thematic pillars: 
A Social and  Community involvement pillar led by Kaunas University (LT)
A Business / SMEs and job creation pillar led by INTELI (PT)
A Local Authorities and Policy-Making pillar led by CNR-IMAA (IT)
Exchange of knowledge at local and interregional level is maximized through novel concepts such as “Energy Labs” and “Case Studies” ensuring horizontal, vertical and geographical integration.
The results and experiences obtained by the 3 Case Studies and Energy Laboratories will be incorporated into implementation plans based on a unique model that will include policy recommendations for an effective implementation of the identified sustainable energy strategies.