Municipality of Tulln


About  Tulln
Tulln is a capital city of Lower Austria with 16.000 inhabitants and 7.220 ha area. The city is a central hub for the surrounding region and it boasts a dynamic setting for economic, cultural and leisure activities – providing excellent quality of life for both residents and tourists. Tulln is directly situated on the Danube and known beyond the national borders for its clear commitment to focus on gardens and nature in general. Therefore Tulln’s decision-makers, the City Council and the citizens are aware of their responsibility for a clean environment and show commitment to the enhancement of ecological issues, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and an eco-friendly way of living in general. The overall concept of the city is clear: The careful use of natural resources. 2006 a highly ambitious, common agreement with regard to the city’s energy politics has been taken: self-sufficiency in energy, a goal for which measures are being taken step by step.
Tulln and the RENERGY project
Tulln is leading the way in the region Lower Austria and acts as a multiplier for suitable and feasible technologies as well as for new management and financing concepts in the field of renewable energy use and energy savings. During the last years, many measures on these topics were taken: The city has introduced subsidies to private households that use solar energy, organizes public events, has elaborated studies and papers such as a detailed analysis on the energy efficiency of a school, employs an eco-manager in order to provide the basis for the development of interdisciplinary solutions, and many more. These competences and experiences Tulln is going to share with the RENERGY-partners by showing best-practice-examples in form of a case study. The city of Tulln is looking forward to exchange experiences and lessons learnt within the interregional partnership in order to develop new strategies for a sustainable and energy efficient future for the city. 
Role Name E-mail Telephone
Project Manager Siegfried Schönbauer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +43 676 950 97 33
Financial Manager Ingrid Scharf This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +43 676 671 99 80
Communication Manager Mag. Julia Schwanzer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +43 2272 690 192
Thematic expert

Thomas Hackl

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+43 676 349 73 50